Post #2

I have many experiences with organizations from working experiences, clubs in high school, to even now on campus with a RSO at UIUC. Any organization that you experience will be different in many ways, whether it be the culture, the structure the way it is organized will all be different. Although changes might not be big sometimes in these organizations change is always happening. Change could be as simple as the way something is conducted, for example at work the way you talk with clients, or even say a managerial change, there is many things that could happen in any organization that is a change.

One example I could point out from my work experience is when i worked as a cashier at a grocery shop and they were changing the POS systems from an old machine to new touch screen machines. This was a complete change to what all the cashiers were used to. This change made all the workers go through a new set of training so that we could understand how the machines would work and how the new POS system worked. This was one of the biggest changes I could remember from my work experience because although many of the things were similar some of the ways a transaction would be done were changed and training was needed so everything about that job seemed refreshed and new.

Another big change I went through and I can say I helped with in terms of a culture change and a structural change was in high school for my student organization. The organization was in its first year when me and my friends entered into it and since me and my friends were very involved in trying to get more people to join. This organization was basically using engineering to be able to create a product for someone in our community with a disability and because we actually sat down and talked to people in our community it help give the organization some notoriety which in turn also changed the culture of the organization because it motivated people to work hard on there projects. Since my group were the people who really took lead on the projects our teacher gave us more responsibility our second year in the organization, she gave us the opportunity to give the organization structure.

Change in organizations will and are always happening, whether it be small or not. Because change is consistent it gives you different skills that can help you in future organizations.


  1. This post is on the skimpy side. (I did a word count and it was under 430.) The minimum requirement is 600 words. Let's see whether you can climb over that bar in future posts.

    Regarding your first example, the acronym POS was new to me. I had to Google it. What I can't tell from what you said is whether the change in technology made the customer experience different. I recall when items weren't scanned by their bar code, but rather had to be keyed in at the register. I'm unsure of whether that's the change you are referring to. The scanning is quicker, no doubt, except for those items that still require some manual entry. It would help in your story to give a bit more detail. How long did the training last? Did everyone get the hang of the new system right away after the training? Were there any ways in which the old system was actually better?

    You might then also have commented on self-service checkout and if that is a good or bad change.

    The second example is more interesting to me. Providing community service is something I believe should be on the increase. Again, more detail would have helped here. Where did the original idea come from? Did the organization need some money to do its work? If so, where did the funds comes from. Did you get any outside encouragement to join the organization? Also, if you felt good about doing this work, did you look for something similar at the U of I? A different students wrote about some service organization the student was a member of. Does the college setting make it a different matter regarding whether to participate in something like this?

    As you can see, there are a lot of potential questions to answer. In future posts I'd like to see you trying to pose and answer questions of this sort for yourself. It will make your posts better.


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